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NOTE: This is the new website that replaces 'Become A Pirate'.
Here you can continue your Radically-Responsible Edgeworking adventures!
Robert A. Heinlein, author of Methuselah's Children, Time Enough For Love, The Moon Is A Harsh Mistress, Glory Road, Stranger In A Strange Land, and The Number of The Beast. Every one of these books is about being a Possibility Pirate.
Many of these matrix-building books you will find on the Possibilitator reading list.
If things don't change, it is not transformation.
Possibility Management makes a distinction by using a capital 'P' to spell the word Pirate. The distinction is that a Pirate (with a capital 'P') is a Conscious Possibility Pirate.
A Conscious Pirate lives, works, and plays within a self-determined Transformed Gremlin, Decontaminated, Phase 2 Adulthood Context of Radical Responsibility, Radical Honesty, Radical Simplicity, Radical Relating, and Radical Reliance on her or his Infinite internal and external Resources, such as The Pearl, Bright Principles, Archetypal Lineage, Earth Coincidence Control Office (E.C.C.O.), the Unknown, the Void of Nothingness, on so on.
Each time the term 'radical' is used in the previous paragraph, being 'radical' means to take actions under one's own recognizance, to pass through, unrestricted by whatever rules or taboos have come into existence in order to go back to the 'roots' (which is the original meaning behind the word 'radical'), being unavoidably responsible and as aware as possible of every dimension of what is really going on. There is no escaping consequences in capital 'P' Pirate work.
The world of a Pirate with a capital 'P' is entirely different from the world of a common 'pirate' with a small 'p', who takes actions as a self-serving unconscious agent of Shadow Principles, Gremlin, Demons, being Hooked, and being in Survival. (Unfortunately for us all, Captain Jack Sparrow is a small 'p' pirate.)
What is Possible in one Space is not necessarily Possible in another Space.
Yodeling in the bank, for example. Not Possible.
Walking barefoot across hot glowing coals without Space-Shift preparations, for example. Burns your feet to bacon. I have burn scars on my foot to prove it.
Putting it the other way around can be useful: What is impossible in one Space is not necessarily impossible in another Space.
Clearly, Creating Space, Holding Space, and Navigating Space are central skills in Pirating Possibility.
The viewpoint of a Possibility Pirate is this: If you want to change the results, and you cannot change the circumstances, then change what is Possible.
The Space determines what is Possible.
The Context determines the Space.
The Distinctions determine the Context.
The capital 'P' Pirate - and the ordinary small 'p' pirate - determine the Distinctions. How do you know which Distinctions have been invoked? By the Results that are being created. The Results do not lie.
Here is a question for you: Exactly which Possibility Pirate Distinctions have you landed into your Being?
What are your Possibility Pirate memes?
For example, the audacity of approaching the world from the orientation of being Radically Responsible for Managing Possibility is unthinkable using Standard Human Intelligence Thoughtware.
Having access to the Bright Principle of Possibility creates a Pirate.
This is the sort of Pirate you can become... with some Radically Responsible Self-Surgeries to your worldview and skillset, that is.
A useful Pirate maneuver to learn is 'to Pirate the Space' away from small 'p' pirates.
This means to do whatever it takes to shift the Context of the current Space to a more aware and responsible Context, which is the equivalent of shifting to a different Space.
The only rule is this: "What a Woman can do, and what She can't do."
Is it a problem for you to be a problem?
(If so, then perhaps you might be interested in Asshole Training!)
Creating Transformational Problems by indicating the presence of Nonlinear Possibility that no one else is seeing or saying.
Not complying to the given Distinctions, Context, Space, or Gameworld. Standing in your own self-generated rapidly-evolving culture that orbits around authentic adulthood initiatory processes as the highest value.
Taking your Authority back without becoming an authority figure yourself.
Initiated Conscious Fear informs us, makes us less naive, detects Bullshit, reveals Hidden Purpose and Hidden Competing Commitments.
Only open a Possibility Doorway for someone 3 times, or else you are Rescuing.
THE PIRATE WORD: "Harbigarrr!"
The term 'Harbigarrr!' is a Pirate word that means many things, depending on the circumstances and the intentions of the Speaker.
Generally, "Harbigarrr!" is an expression of enthusiasm as boundless as the seven seas. However, the user or hearer must beware that it is not implicitly clear whether the enthusiasm is for or against the current Proposal.
'Harbigarrr!' ranges in meaning from:
- "I love this!"
- "I hate this!"
- "Let's get going!" (Similar to the ancient saying, "Talley ho and away we go!" but with more fortitude and earnestness.)
- "This game is over!"
- "I really mean what I just said with the full force of my intention and commitment, and anyone with doubts, beware!"
- "It is Café time!"
- "I detect Unconscious Gremlin at work here and I invite you - at the point of my Sword - to use this as a Doorway for an Emotional Healing Process (EHP).. NOW!" (the equivalent of pulling out a Purple Card).
Saying "Harbigarrr!" - with the correct 'Pirate' accent, squint of the eye, and sharp-as-lightening intention - means that you Take A Stand strong enough to force the Universe to bend its Forces around the new shape of your Committed Being.
And be sure to spell 'Harbigarrr!' correctly!
- Always spelled with a capital 'H' at the beginning, no matter where it is located in a sentence.
- Always spelled with 3 'rrr's. (Which fits a decent Pirate's natural 'arrrrrr' accent. Harbigarrr! may be the only word in the universe spelled with three 'r's in a row.)
- Always spelled with an exclamation point at the end! Yes! The '!' is one of the letters of the word 'Harbigarrr!'
The word "Harbigarrr!" is a complete and self-contained sentence.
All Pirates know what 'Harbigarrr!' means, immediately drawing out their Sword Of Clarity for a Possibility Management Dharma Combat, or coming together to hug up each other.
Harbigarrr! is a universal Pirate word, meaning that it is already translated into all languages, is spoken the same in all dialects, and means the same in every Distinctionary.
Convenient, eh? It is as convenient as letting all Baggage drop behind you like an exhaled breath, holding your Sword Of Clarity in one hand, and your Bullshit Detector in your other hand, being amazed in First Position in a very small NOW, and Improvising.
The Pirate relocalizes personal Authority to a very small HERE and a very small NOW.
Over this 'I' and this HERE and this NOW, a Possibility Pirate is inescapably sovereign.THE ENJOYMENT OF TREASURE...
The natural social model for ontological anarchism is the childgang or the bank-robbers-band.
Money is a lie — this adventure must be feasible without it — booty & pillage should be spent before it turns back into dust.
Today is Resurrection Day — money wasted on beauty will be alchemically transmuted into elixir.
As my uncle Melvin used to say, stolen watermelon tastes sweeter.
The world is already re-made according to the heart’s desire — but civilization owns all the leases & most of the guns.
Our feral angels demand we trespass, for they manifest themselves only on forbidden grounds.
High Way Man. The yoga of stealth, the lightning raid, the enjoyment of treasure.
T.A.Z. by Hakim Bey, p. 35
We can focus on meeting serious local and global challenges through a rational, practical and affordable process to develop a sustainable future called 'relocalization'. Relocalization strengthens and supports local businesses and individual efforts that contribute in positive ways to the long-term viability of our communities and the natural environments they depend upon. The vibrant, healthy, and sustainable local economies that result from relocalization then make a significant contribution to the larger vision of a sustainable future—in our towns and cities, and at the county, state and national levels. The concept provides underlying support for anyone wishing to contribute to a just, equitable, and peaceful world.
The underlying philosophy that supports this way of looking at our role in the world builds on natural systems principles and holds that sustainable human societies are those that focus their energy on the qualities and values, such as compassion, cooperation, and nurturing, that work with and support life. Sustainable societies will embody peace, are ecologically wise, socially just, economically equitable, and will be democratic regardless of the economic structure they decide on.
In their daily workings, relocalized communities produce their food, energy, services, and appropriate technologies close to where they are used and consumed. This model not only keeps jobs and money in the community, but it avoids the environmental destruction that accompanies the senseless transportation of goods for thousands of miles and the creation of material goods that serve no other purpose but economic growth. This is where we begin getting into the very important difference between standard of living and quality of life.
Why is the need for relocalization so urgent? Because "business as usual" (BAU) is not an adequate response to the rapidly converging crisis of energy depletion, global warming, economic collapse, and the loss of our democracy—indeed, our very sovereignty—to elite special interests that hide behind the fiction of corporate personhood. In fact, BAU is what brought us to this point. It is useless to expect solutions from the same global corporate and financial interests whose way of being and very existence have created the problem. As they say, when you find yourself at the bottom of a hole, the first rule is to stop digging. Don't believe the story that we should sacrifice in order to return to the normal that has brought us to the edge of so many tipping points.
Relocalization can be effectively applied to many realms, including jobs and other economic problems, water, education, and even border issues.WHAT IS MEANT BY 'RELOCALIZATION'? WHAT ARE BEGINNING STEPS?
Relocalization is a rational, practical and affordable process to create a sustainable future based on ecological wisdom, social justice, economic equity, and participatory democracy. It is both ecologically sound and legally defensible, especially from the perspective of an Earth jurisprudence. It entails moving the production of food, energy, and essential goods closer to the point of consumption, and removing the need for materialism and consumption to serve as substitutes for psychological and spiritual health and well-being.
Relocalization includes the concepts that we must rebuild our local economies; recapture our sense of place; reclaim our sovereignty; and restore our communities. It doesn't fit well with growth, corporate globalization, manifest destiny, or individualism. In fact, it is their antidote. The actual benefits of relocalization leads to the inescapable conclusion that the American Dream as presented by Wall Street, Madison Avenue, Hollywood, and the rest of corporate media really is a dream because one must be asleep—firmly ensconced in the consensus trance—to believe it.
Relocalization uses steady-state economics to create vibrant and resilient local living economies that provide an alternative to growth and centralized control hierarchies, and enables local autonomy within bioregional networks of mutual support. It also requires accepting local responsibility for food and energy security and evaluating all decisions on whether they improve conditions for both people and planet.
Relocalization is a whole-systems approach to creating an alternative public infrastructure that exists within a bioregion's carrying capacity. It is not dependent on infinite growth to deliver human progress and prosperity, but on creating qualitative improvement in cooperative, dynamic economic sectors. Better, not bigger.
As a response to global warming, Peak Oil and corporatism (the Triumvirate of Collapse), relocalization provides more than just a band-aid for these symptoms as it addresses and provides viable alternatives to the environmental, social, political, and economic drivers and ramifications at the root of these rapidly converging crises.
As a concrete strategy, relocalization moves production of food, goods and energy closer to the point of consumption, increases food and energy security, and empowers local decisions in the development of currency, culture, and governance. While protecting local economies from the slow drain of an export economy, relocalization goes a step further than localization with a commitment to reduce consumption, waste, and to improve environmental and social conditions.
The long-term goal of relocalization is for human societies to become as healthy, vibrant, and resilient as a climax ecosystem through adherence to the natural systems principles that support the self-organizing tendency of living organisms to create mutually supportive relationships. These principles and relationships have been successfully evolving for billions of years, and as such are a perfectly natural aspect of humanity that must be nurtured and enhanced.WHERE ARE WE NOW?
A global growth economy based on cheap and abundant fossil fuels to both grow and transport our food thousands of miles, and to supply the raw materials for the cheap plastic throwaway goods we've come to rely on, is quickly drawing to a close. We are not going to see an economic recovery, because we are not in a recession. We are approaching the end of an historic period in human civilization. This period is drawing to a close as the logical consequence of abusing and misusing our planet as both an endless supply of resources and a bottomless pit for waste.
Our future now depends on becoming locally self-reliant for our basic necessities to the greatest extent possible. Fossil fuels are no longer cheap, they're becoming less abundant, and they are the major contributor to human aggravated global warming. Plus, we now have the Gusher in the Gulf and what it may do to the foundation of the ocean's food web to add to our growing list of concerns.
Relocalizing means building community networks of mutual support. It means more family farms (many, many more) and making sure they're not forced to sell out to developers. It means living wage jobs in clean, zero-waste industries that use renewable energy; that focus on rebuilding our local economic base, recapturing the skills and craftsmanship we're lost to overseas off-shoring, outsourcing and the model of industrial efficiency that puts quantity above quality. As an added bonus, living wage jobs also directly address the issues of affordable housing and poverty.
Relocalization means making our cities human friendly and less reliant on cars. Less asphalt and more trees means less urban heat island effect and more natural carbon uptake. Plus, rebuilding, renovating, and remodeling for low-impact, energy efficient homes, businesses and infrastructure will keep local construction industries plenty busy for decades to come.
Rather than trying to be competitive in a global economy that's heading south—figuratively and literally—we have the opportunity to become global leaders in sustainable, steady-state local living economies.
Any community that takes the initial steps of creating the necessary coalitions to build a sustainable model, and demonstrate the many ways this improves quality of life, will further benefit from the economic prosperity will come from teaching other communities how to be sustainable.
If we don't have a vision for where we want to go, we will end up somewhere else. Plus we're going to discover the truth in Joni Mitchell's painful comment, "Don't it always seem to go that you don't know what you've got 'til it's gone."THE PIRATE SONG
Human beings are designed to Do Epic Shit ("shit" being a technical term, in this case referring to the meaning: to intentionally do things in one paradigm in the presence of people functioning in an entirely different paradigm, e.g. Extinction Rebellion.
Doing Epic Shit automatically emerges as a side effect of undergoing authentic adulthood initiations, which, by the way, are not available within modern culture, meaning you will need to step just beyond the thoughtlimits of modern culture to get them for yourself, but also meaning there is an almost total lack of initiated adults at work in modern culture political, corporate, military and church hierarchies.
As an example of the simplicity of Doing Epic Shit the Gaian Road Team today made two interviews, which were not in our plans two days ago. They came from unexpected referrals: with Mikki Willis, CEO from www.elevate.us film studios, and with Queen Ra, a village weaver visiting from Jamaica (http://www.facebook.com/queenra?ref=ts&fref=ts).
The interviews are for our documentary film: The Emergence of Next Culture, made while the Gaian Road Team is having High Level Fun Doing Epic Shit.
You can Do Epic Shit too if you start doing what you came here to do instead of trying to survive as a slave in the American economic gameworld.
There are plenty of other interesting things for you to do besides waking up each morning in fear of not having enough money to live. But doing them requires that you first shift identity to being a Possibility Pirate and then immediately escape the slave paradigm that you are keeping yourself in just to appear to the uneducated eye as if you are a polite and civilized personage...
In the culture of Archiarchy, Doing Epic Shit is an every day thrill.
Intentionally Doing Epic Shit equates to Legend Making.
'Legend Making' means 'to do actions that are profound enough to create an impression, literally, to deepen the gravity-well around your gameworld'. People all around the planet sense (consciously or not) the tilt and will slide towards your Circle to feast on the energetic food that you provide.
Doing Epic Shit simultaneously guarantees that you have plenty of interesting stories to tell while sitting together around the island campfire doing check-in.
Imagine a person who wants to Do Epic Shit, who has unified their Parts enough to Do Epic Shit, who actually is inspired by their Bright Principles and Archetypal Lineage to Do Epic Shit... they have the Will and the Stellated Archetypes to direct their Attention towards creating and navigating Epic Shit Spaces... but they want to be liked by other people, so they don't. How is that person ever going to get a boyfriend or girlfriend?
If someone is attracted to you, yet you are not being yourself, what is the person attracted to? Your show. Your mask... But what about you?
Is this discouraging? Or what?
FIRST PIRATE : When I try to Do Epic Shit, I get Hooked by people with violent attitudes. My automatic strategy is to immediately plan ways of fixing and changing them... which does not work. It only gets me into unhappiness. I'd rather be happy and hang out with other happy Pirates. If the happy Pirates grow and become visible, perhaps the violent and unhappy people will begin asking questions.
Whaddya think?
SECOND PIRATE : What're ya doin' gettin' Hooked in the first place? C'mon! Yer a Pirate! Do the work to Become Unhookable. Only then can ya Cavitate and Occupy Pirate-Contexted Gameworlds that make the existing Gameworlds irrelevant. Don't be left behind playin' in a stupid Gameworld. Buildin' yer own gameworld creates the necessity fer yer Archetypal Lineage to jack-in. Eh? There! I used the word 'jack' without sayin' the word 'sparrow' after it! Whaddya think?
FIRST PIRATE: Whaddo aye think? Aye think: Harbigarrr!
SECOND PIRATE: What I think is that you should keep Doing Epic Shit regardless of who is around! And when ya gets Hooked by others' Reactivity, say proudly ta yerself, "Arrrh! I am hooked!" and immediately follow the 'bein' hooked' sensations back ta thar source deep in yer innards. There you will discover a 'Innards Vortex'.
Like a stream swirlin' around a stone, yer Innards Vortex swirls around a ancient piece o' thoughtware, some old decision ya made ta disempower yerself - which was smart at the time. Ya did it because it helped ya survive.
But now the winds have changed, and the currents flow in a new direction. Those old waves don't exist anymore.
Ye have larned new things, yet yer old decision keeps doing its job on yer soul and has become a hidden burden - useless landlubber Baggage - which you, as a Pirate, can now Transform into a Treasure!
Me thinks that the object causin' yer Inner Vortex now provides ya with precise instructions fer makin' a new Decision that reorients the course o' yer whole life.
The Hook is no longer valid. It has nothin' ta hook onto.
You have offloaded the Baggage and become Captain Unhookable.
In yer new freedom of movement you kin go buy a mug o' Grog for the ones that got ya Hooked fer helpin' ya ta become more Unhookable!
Becomin' Unhookable is itself Doin' Epic Shit!
FIRST PIRATE: Harbigarrr!
SECOND PIRATE: Arrrrrh! Yer repeatin' yerself!
If you want to create something new, the first thing to create is enough new empty Space in which the new thing can be created. In Gameworld Consultant terminology, this action is called 'Cavitating new gamespace'. You do not ask permission for this. No one has authority over uncreated gameworld space. There are no rule books or guidelines. New gameworld space opens a creation platform for a different future. This is how Archiarchy is being created right now. There are Pirate Mage Gameworld Builders who have Stellated their Conscious Fear enough to Go To The Edge and set out experimental Context, Codex, and Rules Of Engagement for culture that never existed before on Earth.
However, it cannot be ignored that: Before you create something out of nothing, you must first be able to create nothing out of something. For this, you need a Pirate.
A particularly useful Pirate skill required during the global Epochal Culture Shift which is now underway between Patriarchy and Archiarchy, is dismantling obsolete gameworlds.
Patriarchal Gameworlds are currently piloted by psychopaths, populated by Zombies, and serving unconscious Gremlin purposes that are exterminating life on Earth.
So much of modern spirituality teaches us to 'accept what is'.
Today, if you care to look around at what is... you can only grieve. It is criminal what uninitiated men have created on Earth with what Gaia has provided.
Yes, it is true: being able to Cause Transformation or Cause Adventure depends on having an accurate assessment of current reality. You must get close-in on what is happening and how things actually work.
This is half of the 'Mage Equation'. The whole Mage Equation is: Where practical potential meets an accurate assessment of current reality is the Mage Interface. This is where you become a Person Of Agency. The Mage Interface occurs within you. It is not pain free. The creation force that arises out of that pain is called 'Directed Tension'.
But having an accurate assessment of current reality does not mean you have to accept it. There are other options to Choose from.
In other words, either you accept what is and grieve... or you blow things up and celebrate!
By bringing 'what is' into breakdown you unleash Chaos within what was just before 'order'. Causing Chaos within a Consciously Held Space is Step 1 of the Phoenix Process. Conscious Chaos is a gateway to Transformation.
Conscious Chaos is a precious resource. Consider that the substance which may be the most resistant to Evolution is the Status Quo. This is why Covid and Climate Change provide a valuable service. They utterly undermine the stability, legitimacy, credibility, and structure of the Status Quo. Are you making use of this opportunity?
If the Chaos is not occurring in a Consciously Held Transformation Space, you may indeed encounter chaos, but when it is over the chaos reforms itself back into the previous design. Ordinary chaos is for 'naught' because nothing changes.
For 'naught' means, for nothing conscious, but quite probably the ordinary chaos has served a lot that is unconscious, for example, Low Drama, Gremlin food, serving your Shadow Principles, serving your Adult Egostate Contaminations: your Child, Parent, Gremlin, or Demon Egostates, serving your Reactivity, serving your Survival Strategy, serving your Baggage, serving your various unconscious Parts, etc.
Using your Purpose Sniffer to detect which Conscious and Unconscious Purposes are being served through each action in a Space adds enough Clarity that Conscious Chaos can be added to your arsenal of Tools, Distinctions, Thoughtmaps, and Processes which you are already using to deliver your Legend Making work as a Pirate.
Accept what is and grieve...
Or blow things up and celebrate!
A 'Pirate Agreement' is a formal deal made between two Possibility Pirates in which one Possibility Pirate promises to do whatever it takes so that the other Possibility Pirate keeps a promise.
In this way, the guarding Possibility Pirate uses their full 'Pirate Power' to subvert anything that arises to stand in the way of, or distract, their Pirate Buddy from completing their Commitment.
Pirate agreements are levers to move you out of the gravitational power of your box. It consists of
a) A Declaration to perform a task / complete a project that requires a challenging amount of attention / courage / attitude (e.g. find out three behaviors in others that they are not aware of – and feedback this observation to the persons)
b) A kind of repellent consequence for the case the person does not accomplish the task (e.g. sweep the toilets for two days, make 200 pushups each day until the Commitment is completed, invest €1000 Euros in Archiarchy Kiva loans, perform a belly dance in front of a group, etc.)
Reaction only requres that you are not entirely dead. Zombies thrive on Reactivity.
Action, on the other hand, requires intelligent Agency.
Gaining Agency for yourself is Pirate Kindergarten.
Pirate School actually begins when you learn to Cavitate, Inhabit, and Navigate the particular kinds of Spaces where others gain Agency.
Building out your part of Archiarchy gives you Agency in the territory you just built out.
Agency in new territory has a high Nonmaterial Value.
Agency is not a zero-sum-game, meaning, if you gain Agency, your new Agency does not diminish other people’s Agency. There is no top-end to Agency.
Agency is not scarce.
By supporting others to gain Agency, you Invent an abundance of new Nonmaterial Value out of Nothing.
This is pure Archiarchal Magic.
You automatically belong with the others because you built and inhabit the new Space together.
One type of Agency is 'Pirating'.
The term 'to Pirate' means:
- To use Metaconversation
- To Replace Yourself
- To Subvert Yourself
- To Pull The Rug Out
- To Shift Identity
- To Compost Yourself
- To Go Nonlinear
- To Go Unreasonable
- To make your Box Optional
- To Paint a Doorway
- To go through a Gap
- To make Transformational Proposals
- etc.
to take over or shift the Space Navigation so as to produce a new unpredicted more beneficial outcome for everyone.
Depending on the circumstances it may be necessary to:
- Pirate a Space.
- Pirate a Spoken or Unspoken Agreement.
- Pirate a Plan.
- Pirate a Conversation.
- or even Pirate a Person.
These are skills that a Possibilitator Practices to absurd levels of effectiveness.
Matrix Code PIRATExx.00
Hold it all week. Make it part of your world. This DOES NOT mean to become fanatical, trying to get other people to value the same Distinction you value. It simply means to disregard resistant to you Standing in that Distinction.
Matrix Code PIRATExx.00
Change who someone by changing your experience about who they are.
This Experiment is to arrange time and space to tell a person the shift-by-shift transformational healing story about your experience of that person healing and transforming right now, right there before your eyes. Give the full details and share all your Feelings and Emotions about their changes as you experience them changing right now, unfolding their potential, coming fully out of their Memetic Construct in your presence. This Sharing from you should last for at least 15 minutes while the person listen so that you can use your Possibility Paintbrush to expound to them your celebration of their full glory in their at-long-last liberated qualities.
NOTE: This website is a Bubble in the Bubble Map of the free-to-play, massively-multiplayer, online-and-offline, thoughtware-upgrade, matrix-building, personal-transformation, adventure-game called StartOver.xyz. It is a doorway to experiments that upgrade your thoughtware so you can relocate your point of origin and create more possibility. Your knowledge is what you think about. Your thoughtware is what you use to think with. When you change your thoughtware, you go through a liquid state as your mind reorganizes itself. Liquid states can bring up transformational feelings and emotions. By upgrading your thoughtware you build matrix to hold more consciousness and leave behind a low drama life of reactivity. No one can upgrade your thoughtware for you. More interestingly, no one can stop you from upgrading your thoughtware. Our theory is that when we collectively build 1,000,000 new Matrix Points we will change the morphogenetic field of the human race for the better. Please choose responsibly to read this website. Reading this whole website is worth 1 Matrix Point. Doing any of the experiments earns you additional Matrix Points. Please use Matrix Code PIRATExx.00 to log your Matrix Point for reading this website on StartOver.xyz. Thank you for playing full out!